Monday, May 2, 2011

«---•}I|[مجموعة الابـداع]|I{•---» Excel as Your Database



Excel as Your Database


250 Pages |  PDF | 3 MB

Excel As Your Database guides those of you who need to manage facts and figuresyet have little experience, budget, or need for a full-scale relational database management system. Youll learn how to use Excel to enter, store, and analyze your data. This book is written and organized in a way that assumes you have some familiarity with Excel, but not with databases.

The book features quick-start solutions, practice exercises, troubleshooting tips, and best practices. This book covers Excel 2007 and 2003.The author clarifies not just how to use a technique, but under what realistic scenarios.The text features step-by-step, how-to procedures.Try-it-out exercises are based on realistic sample data.

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Yaser Al-Ahmed


ERP & GRP Consultant



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