Sunday, January 23, 2011

«---•}I|[مجموعة الابـداع]|I{•---» خلفيات وندووووز 7


Here's a collection of some of the Finest Windows 7 Wallpapers (yet).

Unofficial Windows 7 Wallpaper Pack by maoractive

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 wallpaper by 24charlie

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows Seven by Youness-toulouse

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows Se7en Pack 1 by Frnak. Available in the following resolutions: 1280×1024, 1024×768, 800×600, as well as widescreen 1680×1050 and 1920×1200.

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

9Wallpapers. Available only in the following resolution(s): 1280×800.

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 Imagination by Gigacore. Windows 7 Imagination wallpaper is created using other two wallpapers, vista trends and windows home server wallpaper.

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 Energize by WindowsNET

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 by rehsup

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 by deviantarnab

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows SEVEN by havocki

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows Se7en Midnight by yanomami

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Windows 7 Wallpaper by QuantumEcho. This is a standard (4:3) wallpaper. For a widescreen resolution (16:9), look here.

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far

Dark Windows Seven Wallpapers

Last but not least, an Windows Seven experimental wallpapers by us. Available in the following resolutions, 1024×768, 1280×800 and 1600×1200, or download the package in .zip.

 Windows 7  Wallpapers, The Finest So Far




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