في خلال اواخر عام 2009 اكتشفت مقابر ومساكن قوم "عاد" وهو قوم قبلي من جنس البشر العملاق والذي يتميز بحجمه الكبير جداً يتراوح ما بين الأربعة الأمتار ( القزم منهم ) والخمسة عشر متراً الطول الإعتيادي وذلك خلال حفريات شركة أرامكو السعودية للتنقيب عن النفط في صحراء الربع الخالي جنوب شرق السعودية وقد عثروا على هياكل عظمية عملاقة مدفونة ضمن مقبرة واحدة وهذه بعض الصور Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian desert is called the Empty Quarter, or in Arabic, 'Rab-Ul-Khalee'. The discovery was made by the Aramco Exploration team. As God states in the Quran that He had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. These were the people of Aad where Prophet Hud was sent. They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. Later these people, who were given all the power, turned against God and the Prophet and transgressed beyond all boundaries set by God. As a result they were destroyed. Ulema's of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the people of Aad. Saudi Military has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the ARAMCO personnel. It has been kept in secrecy, but a military helicopter took some pictures from the air and one of the pictures leaked out into the internet in Saudi Arabia. See the attachment and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton !! | |
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